♩♫ [I didn't know] I dreamed a dream ♩♫

What is something, anything you've ever dreamed of doing in your business?

An article I wrote was just published in an online magazine I've been reading for years. I'm incredibly proud and excited and want to show the article to you. Here it is: What a "just right" mango taught me about minimalism

But what I really want to write about here is way bigger: dreams and action. 

I dreamt about writing that article for months, I dreamt about submitting to that specific publication (No Sidebar) for months, and I didn't even know I dreamt of seeing my name in print for years. 

Just a month ago, I didn't feel ready to try. I told my health coach that I wanted to submit to No Sidebar sometime in summer 2021. I said needed time to get my messaging in order, my website improved, and have a plan for when my site got traffic from the article.

My coach said, "No way, you're submitting something now. In the next 4 weeks." (Then, because she's a health coach, she added, "Well, let's get you to a place where you feel ready.")

It took me the whole 4 weeks — 3 weeks of procrastinating, then less than 1 week to write it and polish it up — but all I really had to do was write the article. 

You know I didn't have to improve my website or put a plan together. Of course, deep down, I knew that, too. But damn, I was looking for any reason to not have to do something scary. 

Tell me — what is something, anything you've ever dreamed of doing in your business? Reply and tell me, and I'll have a follow-up question for you after.

Image source: screen shot of YouTube video by author.

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A little like a Kardashian...


"I befriended a homeless man and helped him move off the street."