"I befriended a homeless man and helped him move off the street."

No one else can possibly know how awesome you are.

"I've run two marathons."

"I own a property in Belize and I'll move there someday."

"I went on a rafting trip at 6 months pregnant with a toddler."

"I befriended a homeless man and helped him move off the street."

"I read books on parenting and constantly strive to learn more to be a better parent."

• • •

I sat in a group health coaching call last week and heard these responses to the question, "How are you a badass?"

I was awestruck by what these unassuming women had done.

Even when we intuitively know the people around us do amazing things (just by the nature of people), we can't begin to imagine just what — or how incredible — they are. Especially when they're modest women who aim for perfection and resilience and toughness.

This made me think about other people I interact with daily: What are their hidden, badass business accomplishments that I can't begin to imagine?

So send me a message and tell me, if you will: What are a few badass, amazing things you've done (or are in the process of doing) in your business?

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♩♫ [I didn't know] I dreamed a dream ♩♫


Take a break.