Story marketing & content writing
Make your content sticky: Talk about what you do so customers remember and tell others.

The Easy Emails Guide
…and its companion: 20 Unconventional Reasons to Make Emails Your #1 Marketing Strategy
Story marketing in action: an article published on No Sidebar, an online magazine about designing a simple life.
A project write-up, incorporating storytelling and detailed imagery.
Emphasis on showing prospective clients the unique story they’ll get to tell.
A personality quiz to attract new leads and build the email list, for a family-owned tea company, Good Medicine Tea.
Emphasis on showcasing the company’s fun, personable vibe and evoking enough curiosity to get someone to buy immediately.
Writing collaboration with client.
An email welcome series to introduce new subscribers to a speech coach’s email list.
Emphasis on personalizing Anne Marie to her new subscribers.
Writing all website content for a company coming into the campervan market.
Emphasis on the unique custom-build approach and career experience of the owner, Tony.
Website content and copywriting for a new-invention start-up, JUA Technologies.
Emphasis on educating visitors on the product, marketed to a DIY, Pinterest-y audience.
Engaging, lighthearted, even addictive tea product descriptions for a family-owned tea company, Good Medicine Tea.
Emphasis on flavor descriptions and evoking powerful physical sensations.
Writing collaboration with client.
A website content and copywriting update for a rising Pacific Northwest tea company, Good Medicine Tea.
Emphasis on highlighting what makes them stand out among small herbal tea companies: blending wellness teas that taste fabulous.