A little like a Kardashian...
…always trying to show up a little sexier than the day before.
Writing daily emails (as I do) is a little like posting to Instagram every day as a lifestyle brand, an influencer, or an actress or female model with a spotlight on her every action.
You're always searching your life for content and inspiration, and you have to keep the level up to a certain standard, always trying to show up a little sexier than the day before. There's pressure.
Even more, once in awhile it's a drag, like when I skip writing Tuesday's email during Monday's workday and then remember it just before bed (did I really do that AGAIN?! 😂 )
All that said, the rewards are also great. When you expose yourself to people often, they really do connect and respond. I love getting to know people this way.
It's not usually recommended for small business owners/entrepreneurs to write daily email newsletters, but it does work for me...I enjoy the challenge, and the connections outweigh the times it's a drag. Months ago, I chose it very intentionally to be my primary method to market my business, and I feel satisfied with my choice. To me, that's the threshold for "working for me."
If it didn't work for me, I'd stop, search for new methods, and intentionally choose one.
My conclusion is that no matter what you do for your marketing, you have to figure out what is the right frequency and platform for you. Anything will feel daunting or unpleasant if you're forcing yourself into a type of marketing that doesn't bring you joy.
If you're having a hard time finding joy in a social media or other marketing method, email me please. Let's hash out some options and get you moving toward marketing that's intentional, satisfying, and fun!
Sign up for my daily emails: Where small business marketing meets the principles of minimalism: intention, connection, values, & space for joy.
You’ll also automatically free get my Easy Emails Guide for taking the complications out of marketing emails that connect. Update the frequency of your emails or unsubscribe at any time.