The ridiculous reason entrepreneurs don't send marketing emails more often

Plus tips for getting started on tweaks to your messaging

In my humble view of the world, there's one major reason we entrepreneurs don't send marketing email consistently. (And because we don't, we forego the reward of human connection we all crave).

That one reason is ridiculously basic: we don't know what we want to say. We don't know what our messaging is, what our "story" is.

It's not just that we don't know what to say on the one day we sit down with a motivational pastry, insisting we're going to knock out the email that's been on our mind for 6 weeks. We're not lacking ideas. It's that we don't have a big-picture sense of what we're communicating and why it matters — to our readers or even to ourselves.

(I've been in this boat as a small business owner many times, including much of 2020; thankfully less so as I publish, publish, publish.)

The ridiculous reason we don't know what to say is because we don't say it! Our thoughts rattle around in our skulls, never fully formed, expressed, and placed in front of an audience.

So my suggestion is to find tiny places to experiment with your messaging, for 10 minutes every day. Here are a few easy-access, low-commitment places:

  1. Your About page

  2. Product (or Services) descriptions

  3. Your social posts

  4. Your conversations with followers on social

  5. Your personal emails from your business account

  6. Your blog

You probably already have at least a sense of your business message. You just haven't committed to it fully enough to start weaving it into your marketing consistently. 

So start small, with 10-minute tweaks to your website each day, peppering your message into the easiest places, like your About page and a few product descriptions. These are low-commitment changes that can be tweaked every few months as you hash out your messaging even further.

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Write like you're talking to your dog


We have the same problem, you and me