Write like you're talking to your dog

3 tricks to find your Unique Email Voice and pretend insecurity doesn’t exist

Following on from yesterday...

Another major challenge that keeps people from emailing regularly: Finding your Unique Email Voice (This is important, so it needs caps and a UN-style acronym: UqEV).

Nothing sucks more than feeling like you’re writing in someone else’s voice. Ever experienced this?

You try to get inspired by a mentor or leader in your field (for me, it’s Laura Belgray), and you find yourself becoming them in your words instead of being yourself? Eeeh, when that happens you’re taken back to every time you’ve ever felt like an insecure poseur (so, your entire teenage years.)

So here’s a quickie 3-step process you can use to find your unique email voice. (I do these in some form every time I write.)

  1. Stop following leaders and “competition” in your field (if that scares you, make it temporary).
    You suck at everything compared to them anyway — so you think — so just give up the hope you’ll gain anything by following them. 

  2. Put yourself in a happy mood before you write:

    Smile for no reason, put on a pretty shirt and heels, listen to My Shot, have chocolate, or tell yourself you’re good at this.

  3. Write like you think.
    You might’ve heard, “Write like you talk.” I take it further and say, “Write like you think.” 

    Share your internal observations about the world and the inside jokes you have with yourself. Quote the TV show only you are obsessed with, spare two sentences to describe the customer who got you thinking about your topic, pretend you’re talking to your dog or a 2-year-old (no filter, no self-judgement, no worries that you’re boring them).

    Basically, pretend the insecurity doesn’t exist until it actually doesn’t.

P.S. What makes you feel insecure when you try to write? I'd be ecstatic if you reply and tell me.

For me, it's the dread of being boring and basic (in the Urban Dictionary sense of the word.)

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The ridiculous reason entrepreneurs don't send marketing emails more often