We have the same problem, you and me

One thing always gets me closer to solving this problem we share.

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of messaging, for our marketing and ourselves.

Today I want to say it in even more plain language, just for the people struggling with their business marketing:

Until you get your messaging pinned down and honed in, you will struggle like heck to create any kind of communication or connection with your audience. If you're in that boat, this can feel heavy. You despair over a bag of tortilla chips, "I'm never going to figure this out!"

I understand. I am right in the middle of this for A Ripe Mango. I know it, and I get it.

But there's one thing that gets me closer and tells me I won't always have this struggle:

Writing something in an attempt to convey my thoughts. The act of putting thoughts into structured words and sentences (not just jumbled shards of glass scattered through my mind) shows me where I'm confused, where I don't have clarity, where I don't have a succinct message. It gives me something to work for in the next thing I write.

Figuring out your own messaging is always an epic challenge — when you're doing it all on your own, you have to find a way to sort through all the chaos of all your past experiences and future values.

So I'm still struggling with this for A Ripe Mango and probably will be for months ahead, maybe even years.

There are tons of ways to hone your messaging (including talking to someone like me), but if you're stuck doing it on your own, writing — and, critically, publishing on a public platform where you know others might read your thoughts — will get you there faster than anything else you can do.

Need some ideas for where/how to publish your thoughts, no matter what type of business you are? They’re in my next post here.

Broken glass photo credit: CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash


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