Is your marketing shouting or persuading?

How to convince the people safe in their own thoughts on dry sand to hop aboard your party boat for an adventure in changing their mind!

Countless large factions of our global society are desperate to be heard. They shout all over social media (ruining it for the rest of us), either railing about the group of people they hate or raving about how their product/movement/take on events is right.

There's no MLK in those groups. Very few people who want big change are leading by inspiring. They want the tides to turn in their favor, but they aren't spending their time persuading others, one by one, niche group by niche group.

But when you want to convince the people safe in their own thoughts on dry sand to hop aboard your party boat for an adventure in changing their mind, you start small and slow. You show 'em the trolling motor that goes 5 mph so they know they'll be safe to drift slowly toward perspective change.

Persuasion takes a loooong time, and it rarely scales up; no one changes 1,000 or even 100 minds at a time. (If you disagree, let me know!)

The kind of persuasion that feels good for both sides happens in small groups and one-on-one, over time.

This is why email is such a perfect platform for marketing. You get to persuade slowly, over time, even building true personal relationships and friendships with some of your customers. There's give-and-take, and it feels good for everyone.


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We have the same problem, you and me


Pulled in 12 directions