There's a reason ESPN covers the Super Bowl for approximately 2 minutes after it's over

If it's been awhile since you've sent an email newsletter for your small business, there's no need to recap the past.

No need to explain that you haven't sent a newsletter in ages because Covid is killing your productivity, or because you spent all your time planning a big virtual baby shower for your best friend, or because you were in bed with a sinus infection, or 'cause you decided to just kick your legs up and take a break.

Honestly, nobody is noticing that you haven't sent an email in awhile.

And there's a reason ESPN covers the Super Bowl non-stop for two weeks leading up to it, and for approximately 2 minutes after it's done.

People like to look forward.

So same goes for your customers and followers. If it's been awhile since your last email newsletter, just pick up where you left off, tell your customers what they can look forward to, and HIT SEND!

(That last part -- getting it written and into people's inboxes -- is the hardest but most important part.)


The marketing equivalent of greige walls and a porcelain farmhouse sink


Whether it's ripe mangoes or a marketing strategy that's YOU... not-quite-right doesn't cut it.