Whether it's ripe mangoes or a marketing strategy that's YOU... not-quite-right doesn't cut it.

Yesterday, I peeled and sliced 5 just-right ripe mangoes. All were ripe and ready, so it had to be done.

If you've bought and eaten fresh mangoes before, you know what I'm talking about. When they're ready, there's no waiting, or you'll be disappointed. Not-quite-right doesn't cut it.

And if you haven't eaten fresh mangoes, substitute any of the short-lived summer fruit that's amazing when it's in season and you get it at just the right time. Ooh, like raspberries, straight off the bush and warmed by the sun, or strawberries from the local u-pick farm.

Yesterday, as I was cutting up the mangoes, juice ran down my hands, past my wrists, and almost to my elbows. I beckoned all the ants in ant-smelling distance with the sticky juice. Then we devoured the mangoes as a family. It felt great. (In hindsight, we probably could have shared some...)

Like so much of the best fruit — like raspberries or strawberries at peak season, even avocados or plums from the store — they're at ultimate deliciousness for the tiniest of windows.

Ya gotta get 'em and eat 'em while they're good.

Fresh, perfectly-ripe fruit is the best thing ever,
it's heaven on your tongue,
a refreshing storm rolling in on a humid summer afternoon,
a quiet, clean house to yourself,
a laugh session with your best friends over Zoom.

Fresh, ripe fruit is all those things, but it's also precise. When it's just-right, you know it. Three hours earlier or later and it won't be as good.

You know that feeling? Well, my mission is to help you find that just-right mango in your biz. That place where you convey everything that matters to you in your business and it lands — not only on the just-right customer, but also on you. It frees you to be yourself in your business, to bring your values into your marketing so you can enjoy it and — what? — even have fun with it.

You won't constantly question whether you're doing the right thing. You're doing your thing, so it is right.

Maybe more important, I also help you find what's off, what's not working in your business and life (because, of course, they're entwined for small business owners). It's that thing that feels just a little uncomfortable, just a little bit not you. It's where you're relying on conventional wisdom or trends to make your choices.

It can be damn near impossible to pinpoint what's off in your own business. That's where I come in.

We talk about your values and your goals, we write, we edit, we talk about the edits, and we talk some more.

Whew. That's a lot of talking.

But after you've pinpointed what you want from your business — and you've gotten it just right — you aim your energy in that direction and DO IT.

When you hit on your perfect marketing strategy, it feels like the first bite into a just-right piece of summer fruit.

Talk to you soon,



There's a reason ESPN covers the Super Bowl for approximately 2 minutes after it's over


Q: Can I get rid of it? A: Yes.