Letting go of the green silk shirt

We often hold on to things because of what we wish for them to be.

Like the green silk shirt that was once so beautiful and flattering on me. But it got a weird snag at the shoulder that ruined the whole look.

I wished for that shirt to be as beautiful as it once was, so it stayed in my closet for years.

Or the Kids in the Kitchen cookbook I got for my son, hoping it would solve 3 problems in one $20 gift: his not-eating issue, my desire to cook more, and my desire to be more present with him after school. But when we pull it out, he chooses raspberry-chocolate cookies that require ingredients we don’t have in the house, I choose mini-pizzas, and we make nothing.

I wish for that cookbook to give Austin and me something we can enjoy together, so I keep it on the shelf.

Or when I sit in the dining room near Austin and Aaron, trying to do a little work while they play-wrestle in the living room because I want to be near them. But I roll my eyes and sigh with each of their shrieks and “No. That hurts.”

I wish for their company in a way that makes me feel happy and secure, so I stay out there instead of moving to my office.

Once you recognize that you’re holding on to something because of a wished-for reality that can’t happen, it’s a lot easier to let go and get yourself what you need instead.

Talk to you soon,



Pulled in 12 directions


The Practice